How to Stay Healthy While Traveling During the Holidays
If your friend group is anything like ours, you’ve likely noticed an increase in friends getting sick with colds and the flu this holiday season. In an effort to keep us all in tip-top shape so we can do our best celebrating,...
If your friend group is anything like ours, you’ve likely noticed an increase in friends getting sick with colds and the flu this holiday season. In an effort to keep us all in tip-top shape so we can do our best celebrating, we’ve been taking health tips and pointers from all of our wellness-oriented friends. Here’s a round-up of some of the best advice we’ve got so you can enjoy traveling for the holidays without worrying about catching whatever bad bug is in the air.

Reporter: Alyssa Brown
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Be Prepared for a Snack Attack

Here’s a great guide to making your own airplane snacks, which you can also double for a longer road trip. Having healthy, nutrient rich foods on hand while you travel is a great way to keep your energy levels up so you can fight off any bad germs that come your way.
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Carry Saline Spray on Board

Photo by Robert Bye
If you’re flying to see friends or family during the holidays, be sure to pack saline spray in your carry-on bag. A big contributer to getting sick while travling is dried out mucus membranes in the nose that can't properly filter infections. Spraying saline in the nose helps keep the membrance functioning properly. We reccommend spraying each nostril every other hour while flying.
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Rosewater for Skin Moisture

Photo by Anthropologie
Bring along a small spray bottle of rosewater to refresh your skin during the flight. As you’ll be drinking lots of water, you may not feel dehydrated but your skin could be a little extra thirsty and rosewater is a great moisturizer.
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Bring Antibacterial Wipes to Wipe Your Fold-Down Tray

Grab a small pack of antibacterial wipes for your carry-on bag and give your airplane armrests and tray a thorough wipe down once you’re seated. If you’re feeling the holiday spirit, you might even offer your seat neighbor a wipe too.
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Bring Along an Empty Travel Bottle to Fill Up With Water

Photo by Benjamin Lambert
Most airports have fill-up stations or water fountains so you can bring along your own empty bottle to fill once you’ve made your way through security. Be sure to bring a large bottle along, as flying is really dehydrating and you’ll want to drink as much water as possible to keep healthy.
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Practice Patience and Meditation

Photo by Jesse Ramirez
It’s no secret that traveling during the holidays is stressful. If you’re struggling with the chaos, give yourself a few minutes to time out and meditate. There are plenty of apps that can help, just be sure to have them downloaded before you take off. Here are 9 Podcasts to Keep You Grounded While Traveling →
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Lavender Oil

Photo by Christin Hume
Lavender oil is an awesome one to travel with for aromatherapy. If you’re a nervous flier or just love the soothing scent, you can mix a few drops into water or a carrier oil and apply as you’d like.
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Bring an Portable Phone Charger

Photo by Mophie
While some planes now have USB chargers at the seats, the majority of airplanes are still pretty slack for phone power. If you plan to use your device during the flight, we highly recommend bringing along an external charger for backup.
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Noise-Canceling Headphones

Photo by Ilya Ilford
There’s always a solid debate about what company makes the best noise-cancelling headphones, but the quiet that comes with the Bose set is unparalleled in our book. If you struggle with sleeping on planes because of the noise factor, add these your wish list ASAP. After all, your immune system is always at its best when you’re getting enough quiet rest.

We will keep your favorites safe & sound here.
Happy favoriting!