Hidden up-stream from Fowey and Lostwithiel, a special piece of rural Cornwall has been farmed, nurtured and styled by the Tamblyn family for 150 years. Escape and share a uniquely preserved way of life in a relaxed rural location. Catch the sunset from the hill fort of Bury Down with panoramic views over the south coast, picnic in woodlands amongst wild orchids, enjoy a healing massage or reflexology indoors or out in a pure peaceful environment, return home healthy and refreshed.
Botelet has a small mix of eco accommodation amongst a group of historic buildings and surrounding natural landscape. A lifetime's project has preserved the old yet you will find refreshing touches of timeless modern interior design and evocative lighting, offering a unique feel deep in the countryside. Staying here gives a simple and unusual glimpse into the living history of the farm.
You can stay in informal organic bed and breakfast at the farmhouse. If you prefer your own space, Manor Cottage (self catering) just across the courtyard, is formed from the ancient remains of Botelet Manor House. Cowslip Cottage (also self catering) is a little more remote, just down the lane. Sleep close to nature in a Mongolian yurt positioned in a field on its own, raised on poles with a wood stove and breathtaking views leading out to sea. Wild flowered meadow camping offers the chance to pitch a couple tents or vans in the long grass.